* She says "mama", but it usually comes out "mamamamamama" and isn't particularly directed at me (or anyone).
* She says "daddy", but only in Aramaic ("abba"). It's more like "abbabbabbabba". It isn't particularly directed at Rob (or anyone). But when she was holding a toy sheep the other day and saying this, I was very impressed at her accurate sheep sound.
* She claps, but mostly holding her left hand still and clapping down onto it with her right hand. All of you here in Gainesville recognized this immediately as her very intentional Gator chomp. See exhibit A below. (Sara Joy, this is the outfit I picked out for her on your behalf - Classic Pooh!)
* She is starting to take two naps at fairly regular times each day and usually sleeps through the night for about 8-9 hours. This is incredibly awesome!
* She is outgrowing the clothes that fit her when we got her about a month ago. See exhibit B below for her chubby arms and cheeks!
* Her hair is getting shaggy! See exhibit C below, a picture taken by Grandpa (my dad) when she was, shall we say, not crazy about her dinner.
* She had no teeth when we met her in May, one tooth when we visited her June 11, and eventually a second tooth when we had her with us in Moscow. Now those two bottom teeth are almost done growing in, and meanwhile the stubs of her top front teeth have just become visible. She is growing so FAST!
We will update this blog at least monthly to tell you what is going on with Meredith and to post some pictures or video clips. Please keep us all in your prayers as she continues to adjust to life in our family and as we continue to learn about life with a little one!