Thursday, May 28, 2009


I thought I'd tell you a little about what Meredith's communicating these days.

First, her words:

duck (guh) -- also applies to other birds, including Big Bird
balloon (boomboom)
mama (mama)
daddy (dadday)
moon (moo)
button (bud'n)
frisbee (bee)
squirrel (gwuh)
stroller (diddle diddle) -- yeah, we don't know why either
ball (bah)
baby (baby)
boat (buh)
want (wun)
gwun (meaning currently unknown!)

Then, her animal noises (which are sort of operating as animal names for her!):

owl (hoo)
cow (moo -- yes, she finally uses an "m"!)
horse (neighing sound)
monkey (oo)
dog (bowwow)
frog (bowwow -- despite our demonstrations of "ribbit")
sheep (same as horse)
lion (roaring sound)
pig (very realistic snorting sound - no "oink" for her)

She also uses some baby signs - she seems very adept at them, so if we had used them more maybe she would know more of them...

thank you
all done
no (shakes her head)

She stood in front of the fridge yesterday signing "want" "more" and when we opened it for her she immediately reached for her sippy cup and took a drink! So cute!

Meredith has also impressed us greatly with her ability to recognize letters of the alphabet. Well, 2 of them. Maybe 3. But it is so cool! She will point to a letter "O" and say "Oh" or "Ooh", and her letter B is as clear as day. We're still working on A. Not pressing her obviously, but it is fun to help her learn something new and then have her point to it in her books.

Finally, the subject of this post is her latest repeated word: "wun-day". She has been saying it over and over again for the last two days. I may have solved the mystery when I realized that one of her current favorite books begins: "One day Danny went to the museum." Could she really be repeating the first two words of the book? I guess we'll never know.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

When you let a toddler try your drink...

I know one should never give a little kid alcohol. And I know caffeine isn't good for them either. But I figured it couldn't hurt to give Meredith just a little sip of a Frappuccino (frozen coffee/milk/sugar) - she would no doubt think coffee was disgusting, as I did from childhood all the way through college. So I gave her a sip.

Well, here's the verdict. (This video was taken earlier this year.)