Tuesday, May 5, 2009

When you let a toddler try your drink...

I know one should never give a little kid alcohol. And I know caffeine isn't good for them either. But I figured it couldn't hurt to give Meredith just a little sip of a Frappuccino (frozen coffee/milk/sugar) - she would no doubt think coffee was disgusting, as I did from childhood all the way through college. So I gave her a sip.

Well, here's the verdict. (This video was taken earlier this year.)


matthew said...

I'll continue the child-pet analogy... whenever we feed one of our dogs (Mike) people food, he refuses to eat his dog food for awhile... until he gets hungry, of course. =)

WICarrie said...

I made a similar discovery...that Elias is VERY fond of wine! oops.

Canadi-Ann said...

That's my kinda girl - coffee drinking, frisbee loving! ;)