Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Today, Meredith fell asleep in the car on the way home from a lunch date with me and a friend. When I put her into bed she woke up a little, but I figured she'd fall right back asleep. Here's what I heard - intermittently - over the next hour (all in a perfectly content voice, with no crying):

"O-K, O-K, O-K" (somehow she makes "okay" sound like two words)
"Butay,butay, butay" (we've never figured out what this means, she's said it for months)
"Wunday, wunday, wunday"
"Yuck, yuck, yuck"

This was followed up with some motorboats, and then...finally....sleep. What a funny girl.


Anonymous said...

She is one goofy little girl!! And such a chatterbox. Glad to hear she still says "butay!"

Love, Grandma

WICarrie said...

Elias has his mystery words too. He also "evolves" the pronounciation. For a few days now a favorite new one is "ma-moe, ma-moe, ma-moe..." which used to be a much clearer "Mamma, more?" The weird one is that "chicken" has morphed from a respectable "shi-shen" to "Guy." Go figure. (interestingly, I think that's the Chinese word for chicken!)