Saturday, August 22, 2009

That Hair

Although Meredith's glasses are always the first thing mentioned by anyone commenting on her exceptional cuteness, her hair is a close second. I remember thinking that Meredith had a decent amount of hair when we got's what it looked like:

Since we came home just over a year ago, her hair has developed a life of its own. Luckily, it is quite fun to try to tame it (though our babysitter Jenee is better at it than I am). Here's a recent photo that shows Meredith's hair in its natural state. (We have only ever cut her bangs.)

And here are some of her many amazing styles! Please note that no styling products have been used, so the wildness and curls are all her own!

1) The Classic Single Pony

This sometimes goes on the side (as below) and sometimes in the middle. It often depends on how much Meredith wiggles as I try to get it centered. (Note that the thing on the right side is something in the background - she doesn't have a spike coming out of her head!)

2) The Post-Pony "Big Hair" Look

Yep, it's a lot of hair.

3) The Double Pony

Only Jenee has ever succeeded at this masterpiece. The most I've done is a little one on each side, with the back part still down.

4) The Multi-Pony Extravaganza

I was quite excited to pull this one off. By the end of the day it starts falling apart, but it looks adorable while it's in!

5) The Post-Sweaty-Nap Curly Head

When Meredith's hair is dry, she has some wispy curls at the back. When it is wet....

I hope Meredith will love growing up with such a wonderful head of hair!


WICarrie said...

#2 looks like she's ready for a Texas beauty pagent!

Sarah said...

And in that Texas beauty pageant, her talent could be counting. She carefully counted the dressing bottles in the fridge door the other day: "One" "Two" "Two" "Two" "Two"...